Friday, June 3, 2011


Welcome to (now-here).
You've been here before: you were there a moment ago, and will be there again in a moment.

I chose this title for my blog because as many cliches would have it, all you have is 'now' and 'here.'  And Quite frankly, it took me a lot of life to finally trip and fall face-first over the true gravity of that realization. And everything about my person and my situation has changed as a direct result of finally understanding that the past is as good as gone and the future is a fruitless thing to rely on being there.

My life is on a verge.

I am satisfied with a good job, good home with wonderful friends, a good free/work-time ratio, and a good man in my life.
BUT, change is brewing. I'm turning 25 soon. New opportunities and talents are emerging.
And my best friend (that good man I mentioned) is moving to Alaska.

I'd hate to keep the creative juices that flow from this adventure to myself. Hey, what's this experience about anyways if you don't share it?

Looking forward to being (now-here) together. Hang on tight...

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